Defender Security Recommendations

FIX: FTPS should be required in web apps

The Defender’s recommendation of “FTPS should be required in web apps” is focused on security hardening of Web Apps. It is not about “how application is used” but more &#...

FIX: FTPS should be required in function apps

You deployed your Function app, asked Defender for Cloud or Azure Advisor for some recommendations – and this recommendation “FIX: FTPS should be required in function apps” popped up...

FIX: FTPS should be required in API apps

Fixing recommendation “FTPS should be required in API apps” is one of the simplest recommendation to fix. Follow the step by step guide to enforce FTPS on your Azure Api App. 1) Go to your...

FIX: API App should only be accessible over HTTPS

How to fix “API App should only be accessible over HTTPS” finding from Microsoft Defender for cloud? Follow this step by step guide. This finding indicates that your Azure App Service allo...